Linen management can be a tricky puzzle to solve for hospitality businesses. It’s like finding the right fit for your favourite pair of jeans – there’s no one-size-fits-all solution! But fear not, we’re here to guide you through the twists and turns of linen management, from hotels to self-catering spots and restaurants. Get ready to learn some handy tips that will keep your guests happy, your costs in check, and your operations running smoothly.

1 par = 1 set of all the linen needed for 1 full capacity night at your venue.
Linen usage and stock levels in hotels:
Remember the good old days when hotels changed towels every single day? And the really fancy ones sometimes did it twice a day?? Well, that’s not the norm anymore, but it’s still a matter of personal preference. Some guests might love fresh towels daily, while others are more relaxed about it. It also depends on the storage space and size of your venue. So, here’s the deal: aim for one set-up of linen being used (that’s the ‘par’) and one set-up in storage. Keep those shelves stocked, and by the end of the day, make sure you’ve still got that one par in stock. Simples, right?
Ordering tips:
Now, when it comes to ordering linen, don’t put all your eggs in the same-day delivery basket. Life happens – vans break down, stuff goes wrong. Your housekeeping team usually kicks things off early in the morning, so start by using the linen on your shelves. Your delivery arriving later in the day replenishes the stock in storage. But – and here’s the thing – don’t go overboard with ordering. You’ll be sitting with too much stock, a storage issue and a bigger bill for laundry than you need and when you DO get round to using that stock, it’ll be all crushed. Not a good look.
Count your inventory
Every guest is different so often the safest bet is to count (accurately) what you take out of the room and order stock to replace it rather than try and predict the future. It can take a few days to do it properly and gauge what’s happening, but there is a balance to be found between accuracy and efficiency, friends.
Linen management in self-catering venues:
Now, let’s switch gears to self-catering spots. If you’ve got a gaff where guests expect the linen to be there, you want to be doing the same as the hotel gang: aim for one set-up of linen being in use (that’s the ‘par’) and one set-up in storage.

Adapting stock levels and ordering:
Flexibility is the name of the game when it comes to stock levels and ordering. Seasons change, and so do your linen needs. It’s ay ok to adjust accordingly. Keep an eye on your average occupancy for the week—it’s like reading the weather forecast for your linen. Spread out your deliveries throughout the week based on those numbers. And if you’ve got a big establishment with 20+ beds, a variable standing order (we do the sums so you don’t have to). It makes life easier for everyone involved and ensures you get a steady supply of linen.
Linen management in restaurants:
Time to dig into the restaurant world! It’s your linen litmus test. Want a smooth payment process? Consider setting up a variable standing order based on your average covers. That way, you’ll have your linen needs covered, and your wallet won’t feel the pinch.

Maintaining the linen cycle:
Here’s a golden rule – don’t break the cycle! Always send your used linen back on time. It’s like returning your rented tuxedo after a big event. By doing so, you keep the linen cycle flowing smoothly. Your laundry service will appreciate it, and you’ll have fresh linen ready for the next round.
Linen management may not be a one-size-fits-all situation, but with these tips up your sleeve, you’ll get the hang of it fast. Whether you’re a hotel manager, housekeeper, cottage owner or restauranteur, understanding your venue’s needs and adapting as seasons change will keep your guests happy, your operations smooth, and cash in your pocket.
Oh, and help the lovely planet too.
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